crematorium . . .
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
Hold The Front Page! JWs Fold in Port Dover
by darkspilver inyes, it was front page news in simcoe...... .
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
compound complex
Interesting re: an actress referred to Ingrid Bergman's autobiography, My Story.
A fellow Swedish actress, Signe Hasso, had recently lost her son in an automobile accident. When Ms. Bergman called to comfort her friend, she couldn't understand why Signe chatted on and on as though nothing had happened.
When Ingrid asked about the young man's death, Signe did quietly acknowledge it. She said that her son's best friend, who was all right physically, had been driving the car and she needed to care for him in his sorrow.
She went on stage that night, telling Ingrid beforehand:
"Yes, Ingrid, I must play tonight. Otherwise, I'll go insane."
What strange counsel did YOU GIVE to others?
by Funchback inalright.... so in another thread, most of us have been counseled for some lame stuff, and the responses range from funny to shocking.. now, let's focus on you giving counsel to others.
come on, don't be shy!.
i'll begin:.
compound complex
"To not partake of even the leftovers of birthday cake." -- neat blue dog
Yes, how Jehovah and the angels smiled benevolently upon the little Witness boy who took a stand in his classroom during the Halloween party, 1955. Rather than taking the easier route of leaving the classroom and waiting it out in the principal's office, he chose to be a beacon of light and truth during the unbridled revelry of little children doomed for that unlucky fate at the claws and jowls of a she bear deprived of her cubs.
I thank my lucky stars that this now old but ever true heart stood firm for Theocracy that life-altering day in class over sixty years ago . . . I refused to take even the smallest bite of the chocolate cupcake proffered me. . . .
Did You Know You Can Have Seizures While You Sleep and Not Know It?
by David_Jay ini have to take some time off even from some of my favorite activities for a while...that means here...until i can adjust to a new medical therapy.. i just learned today that i have nocturnal epilepsy and have been having seizures almost every night for several decades!
just started medication that will mess me up when it comes to processing my thinking and typing for a while, so until that straightens out i will just have to read for now.. but look it up.
compound complex
Take care, David_Jay:
We who looked forward to never growing old, to the return to perfect health have had to make some serious readjustments in thinking and behavior.
Wishing you the very best.
Householder invited to KH luncheon
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the following is one of those now-i've-heard-everything field experiences.. this morning i went to a client's home to collect on work done.
while we were talking, the phone rang, she picked up, and told me she didn't recognize the caller id.
compound complex
I never thought of that, Zeb! Thanks.
Apart from my having recognized the name on caller ID as that of a JW, still, you never know.
Householder invited to KH luncheon
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the following is one of those now-i've-heard-everything field experiences.. this morning i went to a client's home to collect on work done.
while we were talking, the phone rang, she picked up, and told me she didn't recognize the caller id.
compound complex
Thanks, stuckinarut2, for a good point.
But Mister, I just invited her [a total stranger] to break bread with me at church . . .
Silly me! Witnesses don't talk like that!
Householder invited to KH luncheon
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the following is one of those now-i've-heard-everything field experiences.. this morning i went to a client's home to collect on work done.
while we were talking, the phone rang, she picked up, and told me she didn't recognize the caller id.
compound complex
Thanks, longgone, tepidpoultry, and millie for your input.
"Mary" is not an interested person, a return visit, but you know how it is -- we used to call back on smiles, we were often so desperate. It really appeared a cold call from a stranger to another stranger.
What I cannot fathom is why there would be luncheon at the Kingdom Hall to which cold-called people are invited. I remember clearly, in my day, that Bible students (Bible "studies"), upon showing progress, were invited to some Witness gatherings; however, it was no mere friendly gee-we-like-you scenario.
The JW teacher had an agenda: I'm going to get you to meetings, out in service, and see you baptized.
Gratefully . . .
What strange counsel did YOU GIVE to others?
by Funchback inalright.... so in another thread, most of us have been counseled for some lame stuff, and the responses range from funny to shocking.. now, let's focus on you giving counsel to others.
come on, don't be shy!.
i'll begin:.
compound complex
Being a grammar Nazi and dictionary freak, I encouraged those in the audience to use more colorful speech in their talks and ministry. Specifically, I recall suggesting they use the word ferruginous instead of red (well, actually, reddish-brown). There were other gems peppered throughout my talks. Was I going beyond the things written? This was 50 years ago!
Our USA Midwest congregation was a little group of dear but not highly educated folk.
What a dork I was. Good thing I never had to advise married couples . . . Now that I think about it, I did. Several are now divorced.
Householder invited to KH luncheon
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the following is one of those now-i've-heard-everything field experiences.. this morning i went to a client's home to collect on work done.
while we were talking, the phone rang, she picked up, and told me she didn't recognize the caller id.
compound complex
Greetings, Friends:
The following is one of those now-I've-heard-everything field experiences.
This morning I went to a client's home to collect on work done. While we were talking, the phone rang, she picked up, and told me she didn't recognize the caller ID. She clicked on talk and listened a few moments before asking, "What is this about?" A few seconds later "Mary" exclaimed, "No thank you!"
Knowing me and my past, "Mary" said she had just been invited to luncheon at the Kingdom Hall. It's not unusual for residents in our gated community to receive phone calls from JWs. I looked at the caller ID and recognized the name of the Witness. Probably a group meeting at her home because the caller, who gave her name, was not that shown on the screen.
I am baffled -- is this an inducement of sorts, in the manner of "Rice Christianity"?
Your thoughts, please.
Thank you.
compound complex
This has been posted before; it's a reflection of how I feel when, in my mind, I have returned to my roots: the mountains and sea, beneath the vastness of sky.
I feel an unfamiliar restlessness in my lower body.
Too long have I been confined to my sickbed; my mind and heart coax me arise and gaze upon the world outside. It is no longer a matter of fighting long-entrenched despair. A power beyond all that is humanly possible -- even in the most extraordinary of circumstances -- seizes hold of atrophy and regenerates what was once officially declared dead.In spite of myself, I arise from my imprisoning bed and, as if it were a completely normal occurrence, glide over to the French doors. I do not touch the handles, yet, in the manner of a dream, both doors open before me.
On the balcony, I gaze upon a magnificence of terrene beauty, so long unobserved, so long forgotten. My mind does not question the why, the wherefore, nor the how. My heart says I must follow whatever direction is put upon me.
I return to my room and look into the full-length mirror. I see only myself, no reflection of the room at all. Tall and erect, I stand as though in vibrant and athletic youth. Now, however, it is as an assured, mature man. Radiant. Smiling. Possessed, so it would seem, by an inner confidence emanating from my every pore.
Behind me I sense a warm and comforting presence. The aura surrounding me does not compete with my inner glow but interplays with it, creating a show of light, not of spectacular brilliance but of undulating waves of luminescence.
I am alive . . . once more. . . .